When the right researchers connect,
they can change the world
PosterBridge Connection facilitates research contacts
If you organize scientific conferences or medical meetings, you can make the life of your poster presenters easier. When attendees visit a poster hall, they like to get in touch with poster presenters to further discuss their research. However, presenters can only spend a fraction of their time next to their own poster. So how could fellow researchers request more information? By using PosterBridge Connection. It simplifies the process for your poster presenters to collect attendee’s contact information.
Therefore, your poster presenters can follow up and continue the conversation long after your scientific meeting.

Use technology to enhance your Scientific Meeting
Set up PosterBridge and help attendees connect with the researchers

1. Import Poster Data
Import poster session and presenter data as CSV files with 24/7 access to a user friendly Conference App Builder.

2. Links or QR Codes
Include a button to connect in the session detail view and/or print the QR codes to place on the posters.

3. Attendees Connect
Poster hall visitors press a button (or scan the QR code on the posters) to request more info about the research.

Upgrade to the EventPilot Conference Platform
Turn your PosterBridge app into a full EventPilot scientific mobile conference app. As you upload additional information about your meeting, you keep adding value for attendees. Learn more about EventPilot Pro.